It’s not as exciting to talk about as your herd’s production levels, genetic accomplishments, or crop performances, but safety can be just as impactful on the farm’s bottom line
In a recent podcast with Phil Durst of the MSUE Dairy Team and leadership expert Ben Lichtenwalner of Radiant Forest LLC, Lichtenwalner explained the simplicity and effectiveness of servant leadership...
What we call the farm bill impacts the U.S. food system far beyond the farm. In fact, roughly three-quarters of the bill’s efforts often go to nutrition and anti-hunger programs, and those discussions...
Optimizing corn harvest for silage under variable growing conditionspresented by John Goeser, Rock River Laboratorysponsored by Lallemand During this session, Goeser will lean on hi
The very best way to determine if your heat abatement tools are working is to ask the cows. During an Iowa State University Extension webinar, Jennifer Van Os shared signs that help evaluate the effectiveness...
Though 2023 has largely been a financial disappointment for dairy farmers, those effects have been somewhat buffered by the strong milk prices received through much of last year. That’s reflected...
People choose to drink plant-based beverages for a variety of reasons. If they are making that decision based on perceived health benefits, new research further supports the fact that most plant-based...
The National Dairy FARM Program has evolved over the years to become a rigorous on-farm quality assurance program and trusted industry risk mitigation tool that gives the supply chain the confidence it...
For the first time in almost two years, Americans are feeling a little bit better about stretching their dollars when they go to the grocery store. That’s because the yearly average inflation rate...
Just a few years ago, plant-based meats seemed to be all the rage, with restaurant chains and grocery stores rushing to create options for their customers. However, after peaking in 2020, sales of plant-based...
The value of U.S. dairy exports rose by 26% last year, following an 18% gain in 2021. Yet for the first half of 2023, dairy export value has slid by 10%, with double-digit percentage declines in butter...
While I was searching for information sources to use for a different writing assignment, I came across a Penn State Extension article that discussed managing weeds
The past several months’ future markets with corn, soybeans, and milk have been a wild ride. Over the past 15 years, I can’t recall a period like the one we’ve experienced as of late
There is no doubt that many dairy nutritionists are leaving or have left a footprint in the area of dairy cattle feeding. Most of these nutritionists are or have been academic professors who performed...